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Journal of Nursing Today by Greentree
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Journal of Nursing Today
1, Issue 1, 2016
A Study to assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) among Patients attending Sleep Labs in selected hospitals at Udaipur
Avinash Ameta1,
Maneesh Sharma2* and Janak Joshi3
Pages 1-8
A Study
to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude on HIV and AIDS among Truck Drivers in
Pune City with a View to Develop Information Booklet
Anil Patidar*
Pages 9-12
Burden and Coping
Strategies Adopted by the Caregivers of Mentally Ill Client
Arpan Christian*
Pages 13-25
Benefits of Pelvic Tilt Exercise during Pregnancy
Pooja Dalsania*
Pages 26-33
Congenital Anomalies, Its Prevention and Knowledge
Pages 34-42
Qualities of an Ideal
Nurse in Ayurvedic Classics
Vidhi Kumath*
Pages 43-46
Assess the
Effectiveness of Information Booklet on the Knowledge and Practices
Regarding Chemotherapy Administration Among Staff Nurses
Vijesh Patel1*
and Shital Waghmare2
Pages 47-53
Health Nursing
Ekta Patel*
Pages 54-70